Don’t forget that the featured image will also be used on your single post template (the page that displays your full post after you click on the post excerpt). Hence, my question, wouldn’t an image sized to a 1080 px or even 1366 px column width have a lower quality display when scaled up to 2048 px (4th gen iPad), to 2560 px (MacBook Pro 13 inch 2015), or to 2880 px (MacBook Pro 15 inch 2016). Change Divi Portfolio Images to Square or Any Other Proportion. Do you know if there’s a way to get that ridiculously large max thumbnail size in Divi a lot smaller? There are lots of ways to use images in Divi including full-screen image and header modules, galleries, project modules, blog modules and blog posts, blurbs, shop modules, and lots more. In the above Divi image hotspot, I have performed coloring and size customization on each icon hotspot marker at once using the global marker icon styling. The World's #1 WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder. But – and this is my point – here Divi kicks in as well, on the down side: Divi somehow has a ‘largest thumbnail size’ of 2880px wide… Imagify can’t or won’t resize below this maximum thumbnail size, and I suppose other compression tools have similar settings. Choosing the image size for parallax, how divi translates those images onto different devices, etc. Thanks a lot! Or at least have a toggle switch in the Image module that allows you to use or not use the Alt media info. Image width: equal to the size of its column width. It’ll use the smaller 1:1 thumbs for a phone or a tablet, and bigger 1:1 thumbs for a bigger screen etc. All images support lazy-loading, come with four different animation styles and you can choose to open them in a lightbox. He loves helping the WordPress community by teaching readers how to improve their websites and businesses. This 2 column layout has room for an image size with a width of 370px. All I can say is Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this. You literally just plug in the dimensions of your image to this URL and it will put a placeholder image in. As far as the lightbox functionality for a project image goes, the thumbnail that initially displays from the portfolio module will be a smaller version of the larger full size image that will be used with lightbox is engaged. Most of the time, a 1280 image will work just fine in place of a 1920 image. If the space calls for a 200 x 200, then resize your images to that size. The new Divi Theme v.4 update introduced an undocumented option to ‘Enable Responsive Images’ support. Ultimate Guide to Divi Image Sizes Divi's intuitive visual builder that makes it extremely easy to add images to a website. For example, if you are using a 4 column layout with a 4:3 aspect ratio, you would insert an image that is 225px by 170px for each column. It cant be easy but the blogs are so helpful and make the combination of being an ET member and the Divi theme miles out from the rest. The same image loads on large desktop, tablet and mobiles. As a general guideline, I would suggest keeping the logo large enough to see clearly on large desktops but small enough to fit smaller devices like smartphones. Most of the time, a 1280 image will work just fine in place of a 1920 image. I love Divi, but getting those header backtroudn images to work properly always drives me nuts …. This one is 1707 x 895 with a file size of 143kb. I tried overriding Divi’s post_thumbnails.php file…no dice. Here are the widths of the product images when displayed on each column layout: 6 column: 150px Thanks. You can set the menu height in the Theme Customizer between 30 to 300 pixels with the default set at 66.. For the Fixed Navigation Settings menu bar, you can set the menu height in the Theme Customizer between 30 to 300 pixels with the default … Divi will also generate multiple image sizes for images as you upload them and it will automatically choose which image to use. Preview 110+ Premade Websites & 880+ Premade Layouts. These dimensions are just guidelines. If you apply any custom widths, gutter-widths, spacing, or padding you will need to adjust the values. Almost 9 times larger in size then the original!!! Factuurprogramma-V6-PNG8-400×516.png Factuurprogramma-V6-PNG8-400×250.png Match the image size to the space where it will display. The height of your slider background image will be determined by the content of the slider, so you may need to adjust the height of your background image. Match the image size to the space where it will display. Under 200kb is even better. You can also adjust the vertical alignment to bottom, if you want your image to hug the bottom of the header. When/how would you even specify aspect ratio for modules? When he's not writing about WordPress he's probably reading, writing fiction, or playing guitar. Adding featured images to your posts to be displayed using the Blog Module is pretty straightforward. Thank you so much, Jason, for this truly ultimate guide. Awesome and useful resource! When you click to view your portfolio item from the grid layout, the featured image will span the width of the content section. ¾ column: 770 x 433 Here are the dimensions you need to have for your image according to each column layout. This one is 800 x 1140 with a file size of 614kb. Or just a simple answer here? The following image dimensions follow the 16:9 aspect ratio standard, 1 column: 1080 x 608 Jason started a career in education before co-founding a web agency specializing in Divi websites. I’m definitely subscribing to your articles if I can. Thank you for putting this together, Elegant Themes team! I’ll keep this in mind for a future post. As in Eileen’s case, my client wanted to have blog post listing to have more of a traditional look with smaller images on the left and the text on the right. I expect this in the docu of any elegant theme as big help thanks a lot. Just use the guideline for image sizes for each column width. , Very very useful post ! ¼ column: 370 x 278, 1 column: 1080 x 608 Although Divi can accommodate any size image, these ratios work best in Divi layouts. Keep up the good work and thanks for the detail in this post it’s going to the top of my book marks page! Additionally, the Divi Builder allows you to add ‘alt’ text and title text from within certain modules. A fix has been requested, by myself and others, for the past few years. Also try your best to keep all of your image file sizes between 60kb and 200kb. I am looking for the same thing… many other (cheaper) themes have a a large range of default sizes and even ways to add custom ones (cropped or not)… and I am desperately trying to find a way to add this to Divi. In other words, you wouldn’t upload a 300 x 300 image for your portfolio item featured image. But, why can’t I just use an image WordPress already resized? 5 Comments. This is helpful for reducing file size and keeping your page load time down. Your actual sizes will vary based on the content and needs, but they will help you get an idea of what works best where. There’s also a question I have about selecting images that you know are going to be small on the front-end, but are uploaded as a larger image. They keep the dimensions the same, but they reduce the size of the file itself while retaining the image quality. But, there are some things you as a web designer can do to make sure your images are a good fit for your Divi site. Google+, FB all pick up images off posts. ⅓ column: 320 ⅓ column: 770 x 433 Which is where this post comes in! Try Out The Drag & Drop Page Builder for FREE! Great guide! Great Article, thanks alot for many tips. Click the green check to save the module. What is most interesting in this article, are the widths. Interesting and helpful. Thumbnail Image Crop Ratio – How your product gallery thumbnails be cropped. Hover zoom and full screen will both use the size you select here. The non-responsive image have a single image size. It is always best to optimize (resize, compress, crop, etc…) your images before uploading them to WordPress. If you create a gallery for example, the filename is used in place of “alt” tag and description. However, understanding the Divi column layout and how each module displays certain images will allow you to create dimensions that work perfectly for your Divi site. I know that I may change the settings for the Thumbnail, Medium and Large size but I’d also like to add the formats for 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 3/4 column width (as mentioned in the article above). 2 column: 520px The ultimate email opt-in plugin for WordPress. ⅓ column: 320 x 241 Thanks. Yet, you can’t adjust it larger than its native pixel size. On all of these, a typical usage of a browser is to open it in a full screen mode. The ‘most’ articles on the internet are telling us that the theme is also creating such files. ½ column: 770 x 433 background: transparent; Using the 4:3 or 16:9 ratios is really up to the designer. Not to be confused with fullwidth background images, the fullscreen background image refers to the setting on your Fullwidth Header Module that allows your header to span the full size (both width and height) of your browser window. So if you are using a 1 column layout for your Post Title Module, 1080px width is ideal for your featured image. This is on purpose. Unlimited Websites. Make sure you are adding this info to your images whenever uploading a new image to your media gallery. Call to Action Module Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder’s modules. What we then do with this “fix” to make it square again is hiding the overflowing part. ¼ column: 225 x 170. Yes, this will affect the size of your images for desktop display. Force Divi Images to a Uniform Size. Did not see in the article if DIVI can automatically choose smaller faster loading versions of images to deliver to a mobile device. You are welcome, Wilhelm. The popular Divi 2.0 WordPress theme from Elegant Themes includes a really nifty Page Builder that makes creating custom layouts simple and easy for anyone. It’s that time again for our monthly Divi Showcase, where we take a look at ten amazing Divi websites made by our community members. A responsive image offers different sizes of the same image. ½ column: 510 For example, if you are using a blog module in a two-thirds column with a right sidebar, you would need to use a featured image at least 700px width since that is the width of a two-thirds column in Divi. Dans un premier temps, il va falloir comprendre ce que fait WordPress lorsque vous téléchargez une image dans la bibliothèque des médias. I read that WordPress now supports them natively. Jason, great article, thanks a lot for putting it together. Our biggest Black Friday sale of all time starts now. This is something WP does. This means that your 2 column and 1 column layout may show a blurry version of your product image. So, the large image file size reserved for lightbox won’t be displayed on the gallery grid. Divi would first crop it to the custom size 400×250. ⅔ column: 700 In those cases you’re better to use a 16:9 image” …or something like this to offer some clarity. This post may contain referral links which may earn a commission for this site. The PNG format also supports transparent background capability which is perfect for logos and graphical elements. Do you make adjustments to the wordpress default media settings? I will make a request today! For this image size, here are the module image sizes for all three aspect ratios. Question for you — the on-screen displayed sizes of the images does not match the recommended sizes even when I use the exact same size. I’m curious as to why you keep referencing the aspect ratio standard? The heights are really up to you. Posted on April 20, 2017 by Jason Champagne in Divi Resources | 85 comments. 1 column: 1080 x 810 ½ column: 770 x 578 Jason, you care about your audience. The fullwidth header module allows you to place a logo inside the header content area. These modules are typically used in different ways and have their own specific requirements for image sizes. That’s our look at how to choose the best image sizes for your Divi website. 1 column: 1080px. Here are the recommended person module image sizes for each aspect ratio: 3:4 – 600 x 800 (recommended for portraits) You can choose the placement of your featured image to be above the title, below the title, or as a background of the title. We needs a DIVI Gallery Slider to keep the same height and scale the images to fit. ⅔ column: 700 x 526 Thank you for taking the time to write it out in a well structured, logical presentation! Let say a PNG of 18 kB. WordPress does a lot of the work for me. When the screen size drops below the 1080px breakpoint, the 4 column layout changes to a 2 column layout. The 1080 x 608 would be for a fullwidth layout. Changing these settings may require you to adjust the dimensions of your images slightly. If you upload these sizes for each post type, you won’t be disappointed. I always fill the alt, caption, and description in the media library, but it doesn’t seem like Divi actually uses these fields. GIF’s are unique because they can be animated, which is sometimes useful. Can you please help us understand this discrepancy. This is an awesome resource! Better just leave it rather than mocking about with the settings and messing up the website. Let’s look at a few examples from the above layout. Based on standard screen sizes we recommend that your images are at least 1280px wide. You should definately include more information about Retina implementation though. They don’t serve a responsive image. The number on the left of the colon represents the width (x axis) and the number on the right of the colon is the height (y axis). For example, using the slider with different height images will cause the slider to change heights when scrolling through the slider. Divi Blog Post Featured Image Size – 1200 x 750. Just like for the Blog Module, Divi creates a smaller version (400px wide) of the portfolio featured image to be used for the Portfolio Module grid layout. 3×4 ratio will always be an issue with photographers, since digital cameras shoot at a 2×3 ratio. I.e., for example, if I want to use a full image header should I generate manually all sizes of images you suggested in this post? Great article, Jason! So, if the image is 400 x 400, you’d double it to 800 x 800. Another great question I have and maybe more people, about the spaces within each module and also the spaces within each specific column.Please do a tutorial on this. Now it is here. Divi generates a smaller version of the product image (with a max width of 400px) because the Shop Module was really built to show products on ⅓ column or smaller. I find it utterly mystifying and frustrating and given the amounts of posts in the forums about this subject it would probably be a very popular blog post, just like this one. Additionally, “4×3” ratio is NOT widescreen, and most new screen monitors are going widescreen ratios. My current issue is that I’m looking for a way to add custom images sizes as mentioned on Divi’s website I can use these as templates in photoshop to position images and fade or darken the type live areas as needed. The built-in Blog Module for the Page Builder allows you to quickly set up a nice Blog page for your WordPress site with a listing of your blog posts. Note: A browser width that is less than 768px will hide the image and just show the post excerpt. }. For the person module, it’s time to introduce the aspect ratio 3:4 which is a great size for portraits. Only use 1920 x 1080 where that size is needed. The default Divi logo PNG dimensions are 93 pixels x 43 pixels. You can crop however you want, as long as you use the with as a rule of thumb before cropping/resizing. Each month we showcase the best Divi websites that were submitted from our community and today we want to share with you the top ten websites for the month of... With the Extra theme, ET support recommends the featured image size should be 948×557, a 1.7:1 aspect ratio. Divi is a registered trademark of Elegant Themes, Inc. The challenge for some however, is knowing the correct image sizes to use in each instance. I recommend using these sizes as a loose guideline and experimenting to see what works best for you. Just like for the Blog Module. Slide featured images will only appear in sliders that are in ⅔ column, ¾ column, or 1 column widths. one of the best articles… I have to translate this for the german users. Much effort has been put into comprehensive information, clear writing, and superb images. This won’t affect any other image sizes on your site. Select an image size in the module under the “Advanced” tab. That means you should make these images at least as wide as most larger monitor displays which is around 1920px. For general use, here are their recommended image sizes for 16 x 9 ratio: And these are the image sizes for 4 x 3 ratio: Keep in mind that image sizes will be different for the various modules and photo subjects. I hope this serves as a helpful resource for your future projects. Note – PNG is a great choice because they have a small file size and transparent backgrounds. Saves making multiple copies of images. This article is one that’s been requested so many times, thanks Jason for taking the time and effort to pull this together. Keep in mind that this does quadruple the file-size, and you still should compress the images and try to keep them under 200kb if possible. ⅓ column: 770 x 578 Required reading for anyone starting to work with Divi! I hope that answers your questions. Filterable Portfolio Module Has Arrived Great Job . But, making your images the same height will help you keep consistency in certain instances. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. 4:3 – the older monitor ratio, almost square and great for most images. When using a background image for your module, the background image will always need to be at least as wide as the column in which it sits. box-shadow: none; - Fixed broken image size on Image module and image logo of Menu module. But there’s one important item you didn’t address: site owners that do not understand stuff about file sizes, image sizes, resolutions, image compression tools… The browser decides the best image size to render. PNG’s are great for smaller images with a lot of detail. For this post, I will be basing all recommended image dimensions on these aspect ratios. The featured images should be as wide as the column it sits in. Reply. Trust me, been there done that, had to start over. Great article Jason. Fullwidth Post Title There is no standard “perfect” size for all websites because each website is different. This is a super helpful article, Randy, thank you! This is helpful to keep your images at a width and height that scales appropriately for mobile. The answer I was looking for, however, was not addressed here (as it seems this article was more about size and ratio): How can I set a lightbox image (png, knockout product with transparent background to be exact) to remain transparent once it is fully zoomed? Click Save and the add_image-size function will be enabled. Unfortunately or not, the Divi Theme uses huge thumbnail images when displaying your blog posts or when you are using the blog module in the Divi Builder. That way you aren’t slowing your page load time down too much. Required fields are marked *. You can adjust the size of the logo in Divi’s theme customizer, but you can’t adjust it larger than its native pixel size. ⅓ column: 320 x 181 JPEG’s should be used for all of your full color photographs like featured images and background images. These should look familiar to you if ever adjusted your TV screen or monitor settings before. The option generates 3 additional Divi Image Sizes with the 16:9 aspect ratio based on Divi Theme breakpoints.The additional resized images are added to the srcset attribute of the image elements and should improve the Divi Image Module output responsiveness on various devices. The same image loads on large desktop, tablet and mobiles. This is helpful for reducing file size and keeping your page load time down. A person module image on a 1 column layout will be displayed on the left side of the content at 320px. I built a site that had over 100 logo images. Cheers! WordPress image sizes look like a trivial thing, but in fact, can give you a headache. As well, in one of the post-article exchanges, there was a reference to 1366 px as “the most widely used screen resolution”. It’s not like you can choose whether your Divi site is ALL 4:3 or ALL 16:9. By default, Divi converts your portrait image to a 90 x 90 size and a 90 border width displaying it as a circle. Only use 1920 x 1080 where that size is needed. I hardly ever use images wider than 1920 px, so that could save a lot of file size. The ultimate to using images full width slider with you how to add the ken burns effect ultimate to divi image sizes responsive design divi the plete The Ultimate To Using Images Within Divi Elegant ThemesThe Ultimate To Using Images Within Divi Elegant ThemesUltimate To Divi Image Sizes GalleryBest Divi Image Sizes Cheat Sheet For… Read More » The default Divi logo that comes with Divi is a PNG at 93 x 43 pixels. Black Friday The following modules would require a 1920px width background image: Fullwidth Header Great article, I love using DIVI but I always had this doubt. I think 1920 x 1080 should be a good size for fullscreen backgrounds. ¾ column: 795 x 597 Very nice. Furthermore, these suggestions are meant to be guidelines in order to take the guesswork out of optimizing your images for your Divi site (not a firm standard). Eg. Even though it may have taken a while to get this info which I’ve been crying out for you still had the PSD’s available to help get us started. “Cover” means that the image will be resized to to fully cover the slider container, regardless of screen size. Maybe I can help. As the last example, for 1/3 width, I use image width of 320, but on the screen, it is displayed with a width of 310. The Post Title Module displays the title of your current post, and optionally the post Featured Image. Divi image sizes Large screens (1405px upwards) Laptops and desktops (between 1100px and 1405px) Tablets in landscape mode (between 981px and 1100px) Tablets in portrait mode (between 768px and 980px) Smart phones in landscape mode (between 480px and … Does this mean that the images are actually getting scaled to slightly lower sizes before being displayed? © 2015 - 2020 Divi Space (An Aspen Grove Studios Company), How to Choose the Best Image Sizes for your Divi Website. The shop module allows you to display your products in a one column layout all the way up to a six column layout. You can adjust the size of the logo in Divi’s theme customizer. Christian Rauchenwald, use the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin – allows to disable some image sizes! Again, this is using the default column structure of 1080 pixels maximum width and gutter-width of 3. Can you explain why when I add an image into my blog post using the ” add media option, no matter what size the image it always come out magnified and distorted? I think they might be generated by wordpress for the various dashboard viewing options. Instead, I have to retype them in the module. Breaking this down in the detail you did, in layman’s terms, is much appreciated by someone like me (knows just enough about web design to be dangerous), as well. I will use this article as a reference when I’ll be adding more images to my Divi website. Even my older 2008 20 inch iMac has 1680×1050. 16:9 – 600 x 338 Each of the sizes for these images is not random. The following guidelines for image dimensions are based on Divi’s default layout settings. It appears that DIVI (others as well) completely disregard the media information in wordpress. Fullwidth Image. Thanks again. It helps out so so much. For example, my 4th gen 9.7 inch iPad (2012) is 2048×1536 (at 264 ppi). If the sizes that Divi generates look blurry in a different size module that you originally intended to use the image for, then you might consider uploading a larger size. Large Image Size – Choose a size for large images. This is a great tutorial to bookmark! I would like to do the same thing for the blog grid featured image??? We put myslidegallery into the Advanced setting on the Gallery Module Settings and added the code below to the Custom CSS box on the DIVI Theme Options. Yes, it takes up space on our servers, no, there is nothing we can do about it. Tom Greer on June 6, 2020 at 11:04 am A good rule of thumb to optimize for these screens is to double the dimensions. 5 column: 183px Thanks, this is a keeper! Thanks, thanks and again : THANKS . This means Divi will use a smaller image for the blog cards than it does for the featured image in the blog post, in galleries, project posts, etc. by Randy Brown | Nov 13, 2018 | 10 comments. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! And yes, as Beate says, the widths are most important to get right. Keep an eye out for these when using certain Divi Modules. I thought because the thumbnails were the same resolution as the 'et-pb-portfolio-image' option in the theme image sizes array, Divi would use its value to generate them. But WordPress and I think Divi is the problem creates lots of other files like: Any idea if Divi will start supporting Srcset? - Fixed navigation anchor wrong target position with position-fixed section in theme builder header. 16×9 is the ratio for HD video, which makes it a perfect ratio for video – and is considered a “widescreen” ratio. JPEG’s are good for most situations because of its compatibility, use of color, and small file size. No need to upload different sizes. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. There are several tools to measure image sizes. Get the Exclusive FREE Black Friday Header & Footer Layout Pack, Get the Exclusive FREE Black Friday Landing Page Layout Pack, Divi Design Showcase: New Submissions from November 2020. It’s like it is a mysterious dark art, only for the initiated. The newer high definition televisions and monitors today have the 16:9 aspect ratio which has a wider display. Simply delete these lines of code to prevent your WordPress theme from creating any additional copies of your images. The Divi Builder includes lots of ways to add images to your layouts. When you say one column image dimensions should be 1080 x 608, is it a full width layout page or a page with a sidebar? The online Aspect Ratio Calculator is an excellent tool to help you determine the sizes in pixels based on these ratios. Factuurprogramma-V6-PNG8-400×400.png By default, Divi converts your portrait image to a 90 x 90 size and a 90 border width displaying it as a circle. ¾ column: 330 Best Woocommerce Child Theme for Divi, How to Setup Coming Soon And Maintenance Pages for Divi, How to Create a Transparent Header With Divi, Now In Divi: Get Elegant Themes’ Extra Functionality With Divi Extras. As far as I know, you don’t. In this article I’m going to take the guess work out of using images within Divi and teach you how to find (or create) the perfect size images for your Divi website, every time. Factuurprogramma-V6-PNG8-157×157.png Pascal on May 23, 2020 at 5:33 am Thank you. What are you trying to accomplish? I will revisit it again and again. When it comes to reading images, search engines rely on the image’s filename, ‘alt’ text, captions, file type, file size, etc… This info is placed in the img tag which displays your image. The size of your images plays an important role in your website’s speed and your user’s experience with your website, so it’s important to understand how to choose the best image sizes for your Divi website. How do you set this? It might be worth considering if the majority of your audience uses Retina displays. For instance, with a 1331px content width, you images for a one column layout should be 1331px wide instead of the default 1080px. 2)How do you best handle retina images with Divi? I have been looking for this guide long time ago. Customizing ▸ General Settings ▸ Layout Settings ▸ WEBSITE CONTENT WIDTH will give an effect to the all image size width setting you mention on this article?