A list of exclusion filters for the compiler. You are going to learn about How to compile in Maven using Compiler plugin and all its usage. User property is: maven.compiler.compilerId. Programmer Analyst by profession, interested in blogging, photography, travelling, cooking. the configuration of annotationProcessors. Here are more examples of using the java formatter plugin. Prerequisite; Setting the java compiler through the maven-compiler-plugin; Setting the java compiler via maven-compiler-plugin
String-The -target argument for the Java compiler (when using incremental compiler). Solution 2. Running the mvn -vcommand will show the Java version in which Maven runs. By default Maven uses javax.tools.JavaCompiler plugin for compiling java sources. User property is: lastModGranularityMs. specified, the compiler will detect annotation processors only in Specify where to place generated source files created by Add property to pom.xml Within IntelliJ, open pom.xml file. compilation warnings. For example, the entry 11 creates a property where maven.compiler.target is the key and 11 is the value. License: Apache 2.0: Categories: Maven Plugins: Date (Sep 01, 2017) Files: pom (10 KB) maven-plugin (56 KB) View All: Repositories: Central Spring Plugins: Used By: 96 artifacts: