Coordinator Medical Photonics Tel: 03641-9-391126 Fax: 03541-9-391124 e-mail: Prof. Dr. Christoph Biskup AG Biomolekulare Photonik Universitätsklinikum Jena Nonnenplan 4 07740 Jena Tel: 03641-9-397800 Fax: 03641-9-397802 e-mail: Contact persons for general questions (i.e. Research areas. Business and Economics Education Studies. Email: Michael Schwarzer, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Jena University Hospital – Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena, Germany. Thus, in Jena, every student attending the lectures and seminars can feel quite comfortable. About. E-Mail: Daniel.Guellmar med.uni-jena de. UKGM - Webmail Login. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Jena University Hospital – Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany. Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena) ... Master of Education. Mit dem Benutzen der Webseite erklären Sie sich der Nutzung von Cookies einverstanden. https:// Test web servers NEW You can also bulk check multiple servers . Discover if the webservers of can be reached through a secure connection. Master of Science. Username: Password: Login. Mit dem Benutzen der Webseite erklären Sie sich der Nutzung von Cookies einverstanden. ... Master's degree students in molecular life science and molecular medicine, biochemistry and photonics. Weitere Pflichtangaben finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. The central theme of our work is the transparent, integrated usage of resources in open, heterogeneous, dynamic environments.The ultimate goal of this research is to build systems that optimally support users in achieving their goals without the need of human intervention. The Friedrich Schiller University Jena pools its research into three main themes in the focal research areas of Light, Life, Liberty. In addition, administration staff (low-risk) was included. Weitere Pflichtangaben finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. Of course, the University of Jena has elaborated careful procedures, instruments and codices to effectively prevent everybody from infection diseases. He gives courses in: the fundamentals of biophysics; molecular medicine and pharmacology; Mandatory masking was implemented on 20th March 2020. UKGM - Webmail • Get support • • • [Abwesenheitnachricht und Passwort ändern] Get support. Email: Phone: +49 3641-9-395650. Correspondence . wissenschaftlicher Lebenslauf. für Medientechnologie : 2002-2006: Doktorand gefördert durch das IZKF Jena im TP1.12 + TP1.8 in einer Kooperation des Biomagnetischen Zentrums und des Instituts für … Business Information Systems. 1996-2001: Dipl.-Ing. Petra joined Jena University Hospital (JUH), Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, in November 2016 as senior academic clinical lecturer to connect her research interests and expertise with the infection research at JUH and its integrated research and treatment Centre for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC). Materials: Co-HCW is a prospective cohort study among employees at the Jena University Hospital, Germany. Since 16th March 2020, 50 SARS-CoV-2 inpatients and 73 outpatients were treated in our hospital.